Statistics on children, youth and families in Georgia from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Georgia Family Connection Partnership
Students who graduate from high school on time
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Definition and Source
Four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (percentage of students who graduate within four years, including adjustments for student transfers).
Data Source
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Report Card https://gosa.georgia.gov/ and Georgia Department of Education.
The year listed is the second half of the school year; for example, 2016 refers to the 2015-2016 school year. Data for all school systems are listed separately. For counties with more than one school system, search for each “School District” in the county. If the denominator is less than 10 students, data are not presented in tables, graphs, or downloaded data sets. For data by specific schools, go to https://gosa.georgia.gov/. N.A.: Data Not Available, S: Data Suppressed indicates that there were 4 or fewer events on which rates would be based.
Last Updated
December 2023