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Passage rate for third-grade Reading Standards of Learning (SOL) by students who are economically disadvantaged in Virginia

Passage rate for third-grade Reading Standards of Learning (SOL) by students who are economically disadvantaged

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Definition and Source



Percent of students who passed the third grade reading subject Standards of Learning (SOL) assessment.  This assessment is administered in the spring of the third grade.

The year notes the beginning of the school year.  For example, 2009 is the AY 2009-10 school year.

Economically Disadvantaged students are defined if they meet any one of the following: 1) is eligible for Free/Reduced Meals, or 2) receives TANF, or 3) is eligible for Medicaid, or 4) identified as either Migrant or experiencing Homelessness.

The scores reported include alternative tests to the SOL that are given to students with special needs. Please see VDOE's website for more information on these tests:

Data Source

Virginia Department of Education


NA - data not available or Bedford County data include Bedford City; Fairfax County data include Fairfax City; Greensville County data include Emporia City; Williamsburg City data include James City County.

S - cells containing fewer than ten individuals are suppressed in the interest of student confidentiality.

Data for 2019-2020 are not available

Last updated: August 2022

Last Updated

August 2022