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Teens (15-19 Years) by trimester prenatal care began in Nevada

Teens (15-19 Years) by trimester prenatal care began

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Definition and Source



Live births to mothers lacking adequate prenatal care is the number of mothers ages 15-19 beginning prenatal care in the second or third trimester of pregnancy or receiving no prenatal care at all. Data are reported by place of mother’s residence, not place of infant’s birth, and include only those women who gave birth.

Data Source

Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Office of Public Health Informatics and Epidemiology.


*Delayed prenatal care is defined as prenatal care begun by mothers in the second or third trimester.
**Unknown includes mothers that had prenatal care, but with an unknown start date. 
Updated April 2017. 


Last Updated

April 2017