Statistics on children, youth and families in Arizona from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children's Action Alliance
Children age 18 and under with public health insurance coverage in Arizona
Children age 18 and under with public health insurance coverage
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Definition and Source
The percentage of Arizona children (zero to age 17) who have public health insurance coverage (KidsCare (CHIP), AHCCCS (Medicaid) or Indian Health Services).
Please note: As of 2017, Census collects data on children age 18 and under with public health insurance. Prior to 2017, Census collected data on children age 17 and under with public health insurance. Thus, all reported data prior to 2017 includes data for children 17 and under.
Health Insurance Coverage
In 2008, the American Community Survey began asking about current health insurance
coverage. Data on health insurance coverage were derived from answers to Question 15,
which was asked of all respondents. Respondents were instructed to report their current
coverage and to mark “yes” or “no” for each of the eight types listed (labeled as parts 15a to
15a: Insurance through a current or former employer or union (of this person or another family
15b: Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (by this person or another family
15c: Medicare, for people 65 and older, or people with certain disabilities
15d: Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan for those with
low incomes or a disability
15e: TRICARE or other military health care
15f: VA (including those who have ever used or enrolled for VA health care)
15g: Indian Health Service
15h: Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan
During the editing process, write-in answers describing or naming the type of other health
insurance or health coverage plan in part h were classified into one of the first seven
categories. Hence, only the first seven types of health coverage are part of the microdata file.
All write-in responses were classified using an automated computer system. This automated
procedure compared write-in responses with a master computer code list and then assigned a
code to each write-in response. The computerized matching assured that identical alphabetic
entries received the same code. Clerical coding categorized any write-in responses that did
not match the computer dictionary. The computer dictionary was then updated with the
results of the clerical coding. A computer edit was used for the following types of write-in
responses: the type of coverage could not be determined, but coverage by a family member
was indicated; coverage was indicated, but a determination between private and public could
not be made; and responses of “no coverage.” If the write-in could not be coded to one of the
coverage types or assigned with the computer edit, or was determined to not be coverage (i.e.
dental or vision), the write-in was treated as blank.
People were considered insured if they were reported to have at least one “yes” to Questions
15a to 15f. People who had no reported health coverage or those whose only health coverage
was Indian Health Service were considered uninsured.
For reporting purposes, the Census Bureau broadly classifies health insurance coverage as
private coverage or public coverage. Private health insurance is a plan provided through an
employer or union; a plan purchased by an individual from a private company; or TRICARE
or other military health care. Respondents reporting a “yes” to the types listed in parts a, b,
or e were considered to have private health insurance. Public health coverage includes the
federal programs Medicare, Medicaid, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); the
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); and individual state health plans.
Respondents reporting a “yes” to the types listed in c, d, or f were considered to have public
health coverage. The types of health insurance are not mutually exclusive; people may be
covered by more than one at the same time.
Please note: As of 2017, Census collects data on children age 18 and under with public health insurance. Prior to 2017, Census collected data on children age 17 and under with public health insurance. Thus, all reported data prior to 2017 includes data for children 17 and under.
Health Insurance Coverage
In 2008, the American Community Survey began asking about current health insurance
coverage. Data on health insurance coverage were derived from answers to Question 15,
which was asked of all respondents. Respondents were instructed to report their current
coverage and to mark “yes” or “no” for each of the eight types listed (labeled as parts 15a to
15a: Insurance through a current or former employer or union (of this person or another family
15b: Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (by this person or another family
15c: Medicare, for people 65 and older, or people with certain disabilities
15d: Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan for those with
low incomes or a disability
15e: TRICARE or other military health care
15f: VA (including those who have ever used or enrolled for VA health care)
15g: Indian Health Service
15h: Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan
During the editing process, write-in answers describing or naming the type of other health
insurance or health coverage plan in part h were classified into one of the first seven
categories. Hence, only the first seven types of health coverage are part of the microdata file.
All write-in responses were classified using an automated computer system. This automated
procedure compared write-in responses with a master computer code list and then assigned a
code to each write-in response. The computerized matching assured that identical alphabetic
entries received the same code. Clerical coding categorized any write-in responses that did
not match the computer dictionary. The computer dictionary was then updated with the
results of the clerical coding. A computer edit was used for the following types of write-in
responses: the type of coverage could not be determined, but coverage by a family member
was indicated; coverage was indicated, but a determination between private and public could
not be made; and responses of “no coverage.” If the write-in could not be coded to one of the
coverage types or assigned with the computer edit, or was determined to not be coverage (i.e.
dental or vision), the write-in was treated as blank.
People were considered insured if they were reported to have at least one “yes” to Questions
15a to 15f. People who had no reported health coverage or those whose only health coverage
was Indian Health Service were considered uninsured.
For reporting purposes, the Census Bureau broadly classifies health insurance coverage as
private coverage or public coverage. Private health insurance is a plan provided through an
employer or union; a plan purchased by an individual from a private company; or TRICARE
or other military health care. Respondents reporting a “yes” to the types listed in parts a, b,
or e were considered to have private health insurance. Public health coverage includes the
federal programs Medicare, Medicaid, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); the
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); and individual state health plans.
Respondents reporting a “yes” to the types listed in c, d, or f were considered to have public
health coverage. The types of health insurance are not mutually exclusive; people may be
covered by more than one at the same time.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey; Table: B27003 PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE STATUS BY SEX BY AGE
For 2015: 1 year & 5 year estimates
For 2014: 1 year & 5 year estimates
For 2013: 1 year estimates
For 2012: 1 year estimates
For 2011: 3 year estimates
For 2010: 3 year estimates
For 2009: 1 year estimates
For 2008: 1 year estimates
For 2015: 1 year & 5 year estimates
For 2014: 1 year & 5 year estimates
For 2013: 1 year estimates
For 2012: 1 year estimates
For 2011: 3 year estimates
For 2010: 3 year estimates
For 2009: 1 year estimates
For 2008: 1 year estimates
N.A.: Not Available; S = Data Suppressed.
Limitation of the Data – Health insurance coverage is a new question on the 2008 American Community Survey. Hence the limitations are not fully known. However, the 2006 Content Test of the American Community Survey provides useful information. The evaluation of that test data demonstrated the viability of asking questions on health insurance coverage in the ACS. See “2006 American Community Survey Content Test Report P.8: Evaluation Report Covering Health Insurance”
In order to get estimates for places in Arizona with smaller populations we have used the American Community Survey 3 and 5 year estimates, when available.
The American Community Survey is based on sample sizes and the numbers presented in this indicator are just estimates and are not to be taken as accurate counts.
Note: As of 2017, Census collects Children age 18 and under with public health insurance
The Census Bureau recommends that you:
DO compare similar period lengths, for example, 3-year to 3-year.
DON'T compare estimates from different period lengths, for example, 1-year to 3-year.
DO compare estimates from non-overlapping periods, for example, compare a 2005-2007 ACS 3-year estimate to a 2008-2010 ACS 3-year estimate.
DON'T compare overlapping periods, for example, the 2005-2007 ACS 3-year estimates to the 2006-2008 ACS 3-year estimates.
Limitation of the Data – Health insurance coverage is a new question on the 2008 American Community Survey. Hence the limitations are not fully known. However, the 2006 Content Test of the American Community Survey provides useful information. The evaluation of that test data demonstrated the viability of asking questions on health insurance coverage in the ACS. See “2006 American Community Survey Content Test Report P.8: Evaluation Report Covering Health Insurance”
In order to get estimates for places in Arizona with smaller populations we have used the American Community Survey 3 and 5 year estimates, when available.
The American Community Survey is based on sample sizes and the numbers presented in this indicator are just estimates and are not to be taken as accurate counts.
Note: As of 2017, Census collects Children age 18 and under with public health insurance
The Census Bureau recommends that you:
DO compare similar period lengths, for example, 3-year to 3-year.
DON'T compare estimates from different period lengths, for example, 1-year to 3-year.
DO compare estimates from non-overlapping periods, for example, compare a 2005-2007 ACS 3-year estimate to a 2008-2010 ACS 3-year estimate.
DON'T compare overlapping periods, for example, the 2005-2007 ACS 3-year estimates to the 2006-2008 ACS 3-year estimates.
Last Updated
December 2024