Puerto Rico
Statistics on children, youth and families in Puerto Rico from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Youth Development Institute
Teen births
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Why This Indicator Matters
Teenage childbearing can have long-term negative effects for mother and child. Babies born to teens are far more likely to be born preterm and at a low birth weight - and into families with limited educational and economic resources, which undermines their future success. Children born to teen mothers tend to have poorer academic and behavioral outcomes and are more likely to engage in sexual activity and become teen mothers themselves.
Definition and Source
Births in teenagers between 15 and 19 years old per 1,000 females in this age group. Data reflect the mother's place of residence, rather than place of birth. This measure of teenage childbearing focuses on the fertility of all females ages 15 to 19, regardless of marital status.
Data Source
As a result of a data petition to the Puerto Rico Department of Health, Auxiliary Secretariat for Planning and Development, Division of Statistical Analysis.
Last Updated
June 2024