West Virginia
Statistics on children, youth and families in West Virginia from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and West Virginia's KIDS COUNT
Percent children under age 6 who live in families with parents in the labor force in West Virginia
Percent children under age 6 who live in families with parents in the labor force
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Definition and Source
This is the percent of children under age 6 who live in families with all available parents in the labor force.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, accessed at http://factfinder.census.gov.
Population Reference Bureau, analysis of Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), "Bridged-race Vintage postcensal estimates by year, county, single-year of age, bridged race, Hispanic origin, and sex," data fil prepared under a collaborative agreement between CDC/NCHS and the U.S. Census bureau.
Population Reference Bureau, analysis of Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), "Bridged-race Vintage postcensal estimates by year, county, single-year of age, bridged race, Hispanic origin, and sex," data fil prepared under a collaborative agreement between CDC/NCHS and the U.S. Census bureau.
The number of children with both parents in the labor force, the number of children who live with their father only and he is in the labor force, and children who live with their mother only and she is in the labor force are added together to get the number of children with all available parents in the labor force. If there is a parent at home, that family is not counted. The purpose of the indicator is to determine how many children need child care.
The margins of error are very large for nearly all counties, making these estimates unreliable. The KIDS COUNT Data Center suppresses all estimates when the percentage margin of error is greater than or equal to five percentage points. If you use these estimates, use EXTREME caution.
The margins of error are very large for nearly all counties, making these estimates unreliable. The KIDS COUNT Data Center suppresses all estimates when the percentage margin of error is greater than or equal to five percentage points. If you use these estimates, use EXTREME caution.
Last Updated
July 2018