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Infant mortality (5-year totals) in South Dakota

Infant mortality (5-year totals)

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Why This Indicator Matters

The infant mortality rate reflects the number of infants who die before their first birthday, per 1,000 live births. Since the first year of life is more fragile than later years of childhood, negative social conditions such as poverty have a greater impact on this vulnerable group. Although infant mortality rates for the United States have been declining over the past several decades, the nation ranks poorly on an international level. Infant mortality has two components: neonatal mortality, deaths of infants younger than 28 days, and post neonatal mortality, or deaths between 28 days and one year old.
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Definition and Source



Infant mortality rate under one year of age during the five year time span, by decedent's county of residence. Infant mortality rate is calculated as the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births.

Data Source

South Dakota Department of Health -


NA - Data not reported if there are less than 3 infant deaths.
NOTES - Confidence intervals are reported to capture the variability of events and can be found here
Infant mortality (5-year totals).

Last Updated

October 2023