Rhode Island
Statistics on children, youth and families in Rhode Island from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Licensed infant and preschool child care slots (1997-2010) in Rhode Island
Licensed infant and preschool child care slots (1997-2010)
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Definition and Source
The number of regulated child care slots, including slots in licensed full-time child care centers and in certified family child care homes, per 100 children under age 6 with both parents in the workforce, multiplied by 56.5% (the percentage of employed mothers using non-relative care, according to the Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation, Spring 1999).
Data Source
Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families; U.S. Census Bureau
Data represent the number of slots as of December 31st of each year. Beginning with 2002 data, the denominator is the number of children under age 6 with both parents in the workforce, multiplied by the percentage of parents using non-relative care, according to the Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation, Spring 1997 and Spring 1999. This is an update of the methodology used in previous years.
Last Updated
May 2011