Statistics on children, youth and families in Ohio from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Defense Fund–Ohio
Children in publicly funded childcare
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Definition and Source
Count and rates of children age 0-17 in publicly funded childcare administered through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
Data Source
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services data request.
Counts are unduplicated at county-level. A child may be counted twice in two different counties, if they were in cases managed by two counties during the year.
The statewide count is unduplicated across the state.
Hocking, Vinton, and Ross counties began reporting combined data under Ross County in 2014. Totals for the three counties are estimated for each county based on percentages.
Defiance and Paulding counties began reporting combined data under Defiance County in 2015. In certain years, totals for the two counties are reported under Defiance County.
Hocking, Vinton, and Ross counties began reporting combined data under Ross County in 2014. Totals for the three counties are estimated for each county based on percentages.
Defiance and Paulding counties began reporting combined data under Defiance County in 2015. In certain years, totals for the two counties are reported under Defiance County.
Last Updated
December 2023