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Total births (1-year totals) in North Dakota

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Created with Highcharts 5.0.7TotalNorth Dakota01K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K10K11K9,6399,639

Total births (1-year totals) (Number) - 2023

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Definition and Source



This indicator reflects the total number of resident live births in respective North Dakota geographic areas.

Data Source

North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Vital Records.


NA - Data is not reported if number of births is less than 6, or if the value could be used to calculate another suppressed value.
GEOGRAPHY - Data are reported by the mother's place of residence rather than the location of the hospital where the birth occurred. Because vital records data specific to American Indian reservation boundaries are unavailable, tribal data were collected based on births to American Indian mothers in counties associated with reservation boundaries. Tribal data for this measure were collected as follows:

Fort Berthold Reservation: Resident live births to American Indian mothers in McLean, Mercer, Dunn, Mountrail, and McKenzie counties.
Spirit Lake Reservation: Resident live births to American Indian mothers in Ramsey, Benson, and Eddy counties.
Standing Rock Reservation (North Dakota portion): Resident live births to American Indian mothers in Sioux County.
Turtle Mountain Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land (North Dakota portion): Resident live births to American Indian mothers in Rolette County.
Click here for a map showing reservation boundaries in North Dakota and the associated counties for each.

DATE - Calendar Year (January 1 - December 31)

Last Updated

August 2024