Statistics on children, youth and families in Arizona from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children's Action Alliance
Adolescent homicides [ages 15 to 19]
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Definition and Source
Adolescents between the age of 15 and 19 who died as a result of homicide during the calendar year.
The rates based on fewer than 10 deaths are not statistically reliable and show as NA.
Per 100,000 youth ages 15-19
The rates based on fewer than 10 deaths are not statistically reliable and show as NA.
Per 100,000 youth ages 15-19
Data Source
Arizona Health and Vital Statistics (Various Years), Bureau of Public Health Statistics, Various Health Statistics, Deaths, Arizona Department of Health Services; Table 5E-26 (Number) and Table 5E-27 (Rates).
N.A.: Not Available; S: Data Suppressed.
Last Updated
November 2024