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ACT scores for graduating seniors in Louisiana

ACT scores for graduating seniors

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Definition and Source



Average American College Test (ACT) composite score of 12th grade students.

Data Source

American College Test (ACT) data file provided by the Louisiana Department of Education.


ACT results reported here are based on the scores obtained by the students who were or who would have been members of the school year's graduating class. For example, 2017 data reflect average ACT scores for the Class of 2017. Test scores for 12th graders who took the test earlier in high school and elected not to retake the test as seniors are included.

Beginning with the class of 2011, the state began to report the average composite scores of students attending Recovery School District (RSD) schools in New Orleans separately from those of students attending RSD schools elsewhere in Louisiana.  As a result, data for RSD schools is not reported here for years prior to 2011. Beginning in 2015, the state began to report the average composite scores of students attending Recovery School District (RSD) schools in East Baton Rouge separately from those of students attending RSD schools elsewhere in Louisiana.

Prior to the class of 2014, if a student took the test multiple times, only the most recent score was included. Beginning with the class of 2014, scores are reported using the "Best Score" methodology.

Prior to the class of 2014, the Louisiana statewide average score includes scores for students attending non-public and public schools. Beginning with the class of 2014, the Louisiana average only reflects scores of public school students. Louisiana also began to require all high school seniors to take the ACT beginning with the class of 2014.

Scores are reported for public schools only at the district level.

N.A. - indicates that data was not available.  In most instances, data was not available because the school district or local education agency (LEA) was not operational during the reporting period.

S - indicates that data was suppressed for any district in which fewer than 10 students took the ACT 

Updated December 15, 2022.

Last Updated

December 2022