District of Columbia
Statistics on children, youth and families in Washington, D.C. from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and DC Action
3 DTP vaccination rate for 19-35 month olds by survey year (up to 2017) in District of Columbia
3 DTP vaccination rate for 19-35 month olds by survey year (up to 2017)
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Definition and Source
(Percent) Percent of children age 19 to 35 months with 3 or more shots for Diptheria, Tetatnus, and Pertussis in DC. Pulled from the results for Childhood DTaP Vaccination Coverage by Survey Year Single Year Reports at cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/childvaxview/data-reports/dtap/index.html. After 2017 CDC began reporting vaccination data by the birth year of the children rather than by the survey year. For these data please see the next series.
Data Source
Updated April 2020
Last Updated
April 2022