Statistics on children, youth and families in California from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children Now
Students who reported perceiving school as very safe or safe by race/ethnicity in California
Students who reported perceiving school as very safe or safe by race/ethnicity
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Definition and Source
The Asian category includes Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. The Other category includes American-Indian or Alaska Native and Mixed (two or more) Races.
Data Source
California School Climate, Health, and Learning Surveys (n.d). Secondary Student Survey 2013 – 19.
Statewide percentages for 2019-21 were not available from the California Department of Education as of January 2022, but will be added when available.
Data provided and prepared by CalSCHLS Staff through a special request. State- and County-Level Trends on Perceived Safety Among 9th and 11th Grade Students, 2013-2019. Numbers and percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Data provided and prepared by CalSCHLS Staff through a special request. State- and County-Level Trends on Perceived Safety Among 9th and 11th Grade Students, 2013-2019. Numbers and percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Last Updated
January 2024