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Child care assistance recipients in South Dakota

Child care assistance recipients

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Definition and Source



Average number of children served monthly by the child care assistance program during the state fiscal year. 

TANF Child Care: Provides payment of child care expenses for TANF families in approved work activities, which includes community service. Families must be receiving cash TANF benefits. No co-payment is required. 

Non-TANF Assistance: Available for low-income families who work or work and attend school. Families may earn up to 209% of the federal poverty level. Students must work a minimum of 40 hour per month in order to receive assistance. High school, GED, and technical education students who meet certain guidelines are exempt from the work requirement. Co-payment is based on family size and adjusted gross family income. 

Transitional Child Care (TCC): Provides 12 months of child care payments for families whose TANF case closes because of income. May earn up to 209% of the federal poverty level. Co-payment is based on family size and adjusted gross household income. 

Data Source

Office of Child Care Services, South Dakota Department of Social Services:


DATE - Data represents state fiscal years.

Last Updated

July 2024