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KIDS COUNT overall rank in United States

KIDS COUNT overall rank

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Definition and Source



Overall Ranks for 2020 to 2021 for each state using a consistent set of indicators; namely those used to derive the rank reported in the 2020 to 2021 KIDS COUNT Data Book.

The overall rank for each state was obtained in the following manner. First, we converted the 2018 (or 2017/2018, depending on the indicator) state numerical values for each of the 16 key indicators into standard scores. We summed those standard scores within their domains to create a domain standard score for each of the 50 states. We then summed the four domain standard scores to get a total standard score for each state. Finally, we ranked the states on the basis of their total standard score in sequential order from highest/best (1) to lowest/worst (50). Standard scores were derived by subtracting the mean score from the observed score and dividing the amount by the standard deviation for that distribution of scores. All measures were given the same weight in calculating the total standard score.

Data Source

Population Reference Bureau, analysis of data gathered for the 2020 to 2021 KIDS COUNT Data Book.


Updated June 2021.

Last Updated

June 2021