Statistics on children, youth and families in Montana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Montana Budget & Policy Center
Youth referred to Youth Court
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Definition and Source
The number of unduplicated youth (through age 21) referred to youth court. Data is unduplicated at the county and state level; youth who are referred in multiple counties are counted once per county. At the state level, youth with multiple referrals are only counted once, therefore county data will not sum to the total statewide number.
Data Source
Montana Judicial Branch, Youth Court Services
For more information on Youth Court Reports, https://courts.mt.gov/courts/ycourt/UMEvaluations
For more information on Youth Court Reports, https://courts.mt.gov/courts/ycourt/UMEvaluations
NA - Data not available if less than 5.
DATE - Calendar year
NOTES - The geography reflects where the offenses occurred, not the location of residence of the offender. Data is suppressed if there were less than 5 offenses.
DATE - Calendar year
NOTES - The geography reflects where the offenses occurred, not the location of residence of the offender. Data is suppressed if there were less than 5 offenses.
Last Updated
March 2024