Change Indicator

Juvenile violent crime in Idaho

Juvenile violent crime

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Definition and Source



Number: Number of arrests of persons under age 18 in Idaho.
Rate: Arrest rate of persons under age 18 (per 100,000 persons age 10 to 17 ) in Idaho.

Law enforcement agencies may submit data on rape arrests based on either the new or legacy definition of rape. Estimates for the Violent Crime Index (which included "forcible rape") are not shown after 2012 as this category is no longer compatible with prior years.

Data Source

Puzzanchera, C., Adams, B., and Kang, W. (2011). "Easy Access to FBI Arrest Statistics 1994-2008" Online. Available:

(2015). "Easy Access to FBI Arrest Statistics 1994-2012"
Online. Available:


Updated December 2018. As of November 2019 no new data is available. 

OJJDP statistics are estimates that account for missing data and may differ from FBI or Idaho State Police published sources.

Users of the data prepared by NACJD and presented by Easy Access may not be able to match the county and state arrest statistics presented in the corresponding annual Crime in the United States report due primarily to two factors. First, the UCR staff continues to update agency records when the UCR Program receives additions or corrections. The FBI statistics presented in Crime in the United States are based on the data that the FBI received prior to their established publication deadlines. The data used by NACJD to prepare their annual county-level estimates may contain data submitted to the FBI after their publication deadline for producing the Crime in the United States report, or corrections to the published data. Second, some tables in Crime in the United States are prepared using data only from agencies submitting complete reports for the 12 months in the calendar year. However, for the estimates presented in Easy Access, all law enforcement agency records present in the original FBI data are used in the aggregation to the county level. County records with a coverage indicator value of 100% indicate that there was complete 12-month reporting by all agencies in the county.

Last Updated

December 2015